First of all Punnett Squares are charts that help you find the frist generation of the children the parents might have. You use Punnett Squares by putting the genotype of both parents. For example, if the genotype of one parent is Tt that means that it is going to be a dominant allele and if the other parent is tt it means that it is a recessive allele. If one parent has curly hair, cc, and the other parents has straight hair and is heterozygous its genotype is going to be Cc. So you put it on the chart which goes one parent on the top side and the other on the side of the square. Then you are going to cross them which all the genotypes for the children is Cc, Cc, cc, and cc. That means that 50% of the children have curly hair and the other half have straight hair. The straight and curly hair are the phenotypes which are the physical appearance of someone.
      Punnett squares are useful because when you want to figure out how the children are going to look like you can use the Punnett Squares to help. The Punnett Squares can also help you because for example you want to know what percent the child will have dark eyes. So you can draw the Punnett Square, put the parent's genotypes on the top and on the bottom, then you would cross the genotypes and there you have it, the phenotype of the child is there. That is what I learned about Punnett Squares.
In science, we made a DNA ornament. There were many steps to make the ornament. The first step in making the ornament was to get all the stuff we needed to make the ornament. We needed green, red, yellow, blue, gold, and white beads. The red and the green beads were one of the base pairs and the blue and yellow beads were the other base pairs. The red beads were the adenine, the green beads were the thymine, the blue beads were the guanine, and the yellow beads were the cytosine. The golden and white beads represented the sugars and phosphates. the golden one was the phosphate and the white one was the sugar. Then we had to get a wire, so we can start the ornament.
       The second step of making the ornament was to get the phosphate and the sugars and put it in the wire. We had to follow a pattern to make the ornament. The pattern was golden bead, then the white bead, and then one of the base pairs. That was we had to do in every step. The third step was to put one side of the wire in all of the golden beads and on the other side the same. After we have put both wires on all of the golden beads, we had to put the remaining wire through the white and base color bead. Finally, the teacher had to make a hole at the top and then twist it. These were the steps on making the DNA ornament.
The thing that I struggled on the most in science was memorizing the parts of the plant and animal cells. That was hard for me because we had to memorize every single part of the cells and on the test we had to name all of them and what their function was. Also we had to name the parts so we could get a good grade. By studying I managed to pass the naming part and the function part. At first it was hard because I didn't learn that in the sixth grade. So it was new to me and a little hard at first, but managed to study them and get 100% on the test. We also had to state what each part did.
      Another thing that was hard for me was to memorize the parts and the functions of each part of a microscope. It was hard because I haven't seen a microscope in real life, so it was interesting to learn new things. Also on the test we had about that, I got 99% because I only missed one. We had to study the parts and where they were. We also had to state what was the function of each part of the microscope. Only by studying i got the grade that I am happy with. These were the things that I struggled on science last semester