In the two articles I read, I was reading about if Santa Claus is real or not. The claims the two articles that have in common are that they all say that the reindeer cannot fly. Also, another claim the first article had was that if Santa Claus carried many things in his sleigh, he would need more than 10 reindeer. Let's say about 24,300 reindeer! When I read this article I thought why would Santa Claus need a lot of reindeer if the reindeer can fly. Also another claim that they both ahd was that Santa Claus should've weighed a lot and that is why he needed a lot of reindeer. Another claim that the both articles had was that Santa Claus had to give a lot of toys to a lot of children, that is about 2 billion children. Santa Claus also had to deal with the children who were Jewish and other religions who didn't celebrate Christmas. So let's say that it took of 15% of the children, and now Santa Claus had to give about 1 million toys to 1 million children. The last claim they both had was that Santa Claus had gone faster than light. So he traveled faster than sound and light, so that meant that he would travel faster than the fastest vehicle.
           The difference between these two articles are that some facts weren't the same. One of the articles said that they should believe in Santa Claus, and the other one didn't include that. Also, the second article I read was talking about one of the rebuttals in the first article. So maybe not all of the things they wrote down was accurate. The position I will take is that there are about 2 billion children and the evidence that supports that is that in the first article it said that there are about two billion children. Another thing I think that Santa Claus traveled 30,000 miles. This is what I think about Santa Claus.
The first thing that happens in interphase, is that the DNA replicates. When DNA replicates that means that the DNA is getting copies of itself. The first thing that happens is that the DNA has to unzip itself to make its copy of itself. So the DNA unzips and know you have two DNA cut in half. Then when the DNA has unzipped, new DNA comes and attaches to the other DNA and closes. The same thing happens with the other half, it attaches to the other part of DNA, and it zips up. After  the DNA attaches to the new DNA it forms two new DNA. The other part that came is called the daughter cells and the old part is called the parent cells. 
       The first half that was in the DNA is called the parent cell because when a baby is born the baby gets some characteristics from the parent cell. Also the other part of the DNA is called the daughter cell because when the baby is born, he/she can get some of the characteristics of the parent's DNA. Also DNA has parts that are named. The parts that the DNA has are the sugars, phosphate, bases, and the base pairs. The phosphates and the sugars are the ones that are always attached to each other on each side. The bases are cytosine, thymine, adenine, and guanine. This is how DNA replicates during interphase.
The shape of DNA is a helix. There were five scientists who discovered the structure of DNA. Their names were Rosalind Franklin, Francis Crick, James Watson, Maurice Wilkins,  and Erwin Chargaff. DNA also includes nucleotides. The Nucloetides are thymine, cytosine, adenine, and guanine. The base pairs of DNA are adenine with guanine and thymine with cytosine. The phosphate group is the group that contains the phosphate. Also DNA includes deoxiribose sugar. Deoxiribose sugar id the sugar that contains the DNA. James Watson was the one who wrote The Double-Helix.
        The process of DNA making its copy is that first it is a parent cell. Then the parent cell unzips and half of the part is a parent cell and the other one is the daughter cell. One side is yellow,and the other side is gray if you build a model. Also when the parent cell divides, a new cell forms, so now there are two DNA cells. The parent cell is on one side and the other is on the other side. DNA's base pairs help us see which part is which. If you build a model, the grey part always goes with the green part, and the white part always goes with the black part. Also the part that connects these pairs are an orange one with black and white part, and the brown piece with the green and gray part. This was all about the structure of DNA.