I think that the frog dissection helped me appreciate the job of a surgeon because I learned a lot about the parts of a frog. I also appreciate the job of a surgeon because the surgeon can do surgery on anyone even though the surgeon will see blood and many other things. The frog dissection also helped me appreciate the job of a surgeon because I have no idea how a surgeon can do surgery on people. If I were a surgeon, I would've fainted there already. The frog dissection also helped me appreciate the job of a surgeon because it made me think how a surgeon can do surgeries.
          When we did the frog dissection, the frog smelled very bad. I was going to puke, but I kept myself calm. At first, we just looked at the frog from the outside. It wasn't that bad and I learned many things. The next day we cut it open and there was a surprise inside. The frog had every single part inside of it, except the bladder. II thought I was going to faint, but I didnt. After a few minutes working with the frog, I didn't feel that bad anymore. We took out all of the 
10/10/2016 02:40:53 am

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