There are many differences between sexual and asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction is where to parents make offspring. When sexual reproduction occurs, two parents are making offspring. There are a female and a male doing offspring. When the offspring is born, he/she can get the genes from both parents or half and half. For example, there are many animals that do sexual reproduction. Polar bears, monkeys, and other kinds of animals as well.  Usually the offspring can look a lot like the mom or a lot like the dad.
       In asexual reproduction, only one parent is making offspring. I have no idea how they do it, but there are some parents that make offspring by themselves. There are a few animals that can make offspring by themselves. The only animal I know that makes offspring is the hydra. Hydras make offspring by themselves, so that means that there is only one parent making the offspring. When the offspring is born, the offspring usually gets the same genes as the parent that him/ her. 
        The similarities of both reproductions is that when they make offspring, it includes at least one parent. another similarity is that both reproduction make offspring, even though one has a parent.

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